Blue Compass supports 「Hitoto Manabu ba」.


「Hitoto Manabu ba」 is a place where anyone can come and learn together with other people. It is a new type of learning place for children who have (for numerous reasons) stopped attending school.
By combining three types of “learning places”: correspondence high school support schools, free schools, and tutoring classes, they are providing educational opportunities that suit each child’s needs.
「人と学ぶ場ふらっと」は、人として大切なことを人と共に学ぶ場、だれでも「ふらっと」訪れることができる居場所です。 図らずも不登校になってしまった子供たちのための、新しい形の学び場です。 通信制高校のサポート校、フリースクール、個別指導教室の3つの「学び場」を組み合わせ、 ひとりひとりの子供に合った教育の場を提供しています。


「Hitoto Manabu ba」 is located in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, the team there are working daily for the benefit of children in the community.
In recent years, growing diverse types of education have been gradually recognized, but still there is yet to be any government support in place. The group is operating solely on contributions and we at BC are happy to help.


Hitoto Manabu ba/人と学ぶ場ふらっとHP →