Blue Compass donated playground equipment for children to St. Joseph’s Home, an orphanage in Tokyo.
We chose playground equipment that can be used indoors and on the premises for the children who cannot go out freely due to the pandemic.
ブルーコンパスでは東京都にある児童養護施設 聖ヨゼフホームさんへ、子供たちのために遊具を寄付しました。


This project was planned by Blue Compass members who love games and anime.
The project started with the idea of giving children a special experience by playing with a variety of playground equipment. Children in orphanages are not allowed to buy playground equipment freely. By supporting Blue Compass in any way we can, we hope to bring smiles to the faces of as many children as possible and create happy moments for them.
Thank you for your continued support!
色々な遊具で遊ぶことで、子供たちにとって特別な経験・体験をプレゼントしたいという想いから始まりました。 児童養護施設の子供たちは自由に遊具を買ってもらう事はできません。ブルーコンパスが少しでもサポートすることで、少しでも多くの子供たちを笑顔にし、幸せな時間をつくってあげたいと思います。