Interview with Sachiyo
What would you like people to know about the place where you grew up?
I grew up in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, in East Africa. Many of you might think that Kenya is a hot country because it is on the equator. However, my house in Nairobi never needed an AC because Nairobi’s elevation is 1,795 meters (the 5th tallest peak in Japan, Mount Fuji). Nairobi is one of the largest cities in Africa, but I grew up in an environment where urban life and nature are very close. I spent my free time looking for chameleons in the garden. There were monkeys that would sneak into my school to steal food. During the weekends, my father would drive us to the Nairobi National Park to see wildlife. We were once chased by buffaloes, and we narrowly escaped in reverse, just like in a movie. It was a close call!
私は、東アフリカにあるケニアの首都、ナイロビで小学校の殆どを過ごしました。ケニアは赤道直下にあるので、暑いイメージがあるかもしれませんが、ナイロビの標高は1,795 m(富士山5号目)なので涼しく、年中春のような過ごしやすい気候です。家にエアコンも必要ありませんでした。 ナイロビはアフリカで最も大きな都市の1つですが、家の近くの庭を探せばカメレオンがいたり、マントヒヒが学校の畑の野菜を食べに来たりと、都会と自然がとても近い環境で育ちました。都心部から車で30分離れたところには野生動物が生息する国立公園があり、週末にはよく、父の運転で国立公園に野生動物を見に行きました。車がバッファローに追いかけられて、映画のようにバックで逃げたこともありました。間一髪でした(笑)
Nairobi national park/ナイロビ国立公園
How has your experience in Kenya influenced you today?
In Kenya, I lived a very privileged life. At the same time, I had many opportunities to recognize the socio-economic privilege I had in Nairobi. For example, as was sitting in a car on the way to school, I would often see children my age begging on the streets. I also learned that there were children in Kenya that have never seen animals like giraffes or elephants, despite its abundance in the country. I learned this when I visited the Koinonia Education Center, which is a school in Kenya where my mother used to teach art as a volunteer. The children that I met at the school were in my mind even after I came back to Japan.
I spent junior high school in Japan and high school in Egypt, and studied politics and international cooperation at university and graduate school. I started working for a consulting firm in the government sector a couple of years ago. However, I still have a connection with the Koinonia Education Center in Kenya.
In what specific ways are you connected with the school in Kenya?
One way is by volunteering for the Koinonia Education Center. Koinonia provides education for children, most of whom come from families that cannot afford to pay for education, with the goal of helping each student to become a world leader despite the circumstances of his or her birth. My friends and I started volunteering to help with public relations in order to spread the work of Koinonia. In addition to creating newsletters and flyers, we are planning to hold a networking event with Koinonia’s founder, Sara Ichihashi, in May with the help of Toby.
Second, I’m sponsoring the tuition for one of the students at Koinonia. She is a 4th grade girl named Peris. Every year, we receive a handwritten thank you card from Koinonia, a report card, and a picture of Peris. I put that card in front of my work desk at home. I get a strong motivation to work whenever I look at this card. I hope to return to Kenya to see Peris in the near future.
1つは、コイノニア教育センターの広報のボランティアをしています。コイノニアは、教育費を払えない家庭の子どもたちが殆どを占めているのですが、一人一人の生徒に向き合い、その生徒が生まれた環境に負けずに、世界に羽ばたくリーダーとなることを目標に、教育を提供しています。こうした取り組みを、もっとたくさんの人々に知ってもらうために、ケニアで育ち日本に住んでいる若者達で広報のボランティアを始めました。ニュースレターやチラシ作成の他に、5月にはトビーさんの協力もあり、コイノニアの創設者 市橋さらさんとアフリカ料理を一緒に食べるネットワーキングイベントを開催する予定です。
A letter from Peris-chan/ぺリスちゃんから届いたお手紙
What are your plans for the future?
In the future, I would like to expand our network to support Koinonia’s activities.
I would like to hold online social events connecting people in Japan and Koinonia, exhibit at festivals and events, and hold networking events in order to spread Koinonia’s story. I’m planning to attend the May 31st Blue Compass event! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Class situation/授業の様子 3rd grade group research presentation/3年生グループ研究発表会
Koinonia Education Centre︓