Report on May Meetup
We were pleased to have 60 people attend our May 31 meetup! It was held at Il Cardinale Akasaka, a place that has always shown us great hospitality. We also invited the proprietress of Houraikan and had 3 people give presentations. Thank you very much for your cooperation!
BlueCompass events are becoming more and more popular each time! We had over 60 people who wanted to attend this year’s event, and we regret to say that we had to turn many people away. Stay on top of the calendar and register early when can!
From Dao san
It`s been a while since the last Blue Compass meet up we had in Ebisu, and I have been really looking forward to the meet up in Akasaka. The gathering saw the participation of around 60 individuals. It was an amazing evening as always and great for people to connect with new friends, also catch up with old ones.
We also had special guests to join us on Friday night. First, Okami from Houraikan had given us a warm speech. She is going make the Houraikan a even better place for the 2035 Rugby world cup, which Japan is aiming to host. The second guest was from Sachiyo San. She introduced her volunteer work about helping children in Kenya. And the last speaker was Sakauchi San who’s company is dedicated to preserving Japanese old folk houses. Everyone seemed had a wonderful evening and I am looking forward to the next meet up as well as our trip to Kamaishi in October this year!
金曜日の夜には特別なゲストもいました。まず、宝来館の女将から温かいスピーチをいただきました。彼女は2035年のラグビーワールドカップが日本で開催することを目指し宝来館のアップグレードを図っています。 2番目のゲストはサチヨさんからで、ケニアの子供たちを支援するボランティア活動についてご紹介いただきしました。そして、最後のスピーカーは坂内さんで、日本の古民家を保存することに専念されています。皆さん、素晴らしい夜を過ごしたようで、次回のミートアップと今年の釜石への旅も楽しみにしております。
From Yoshi san
I always enjoy Blue Compass event. It is not only fun to have beer with old friends, and new people, but I can also listen to stories of people who are fighting to make things happen. On the event on May 31, I could listen to stories about the manager at a hotel in Tohoku, and how she fought against the horrible earthquake in 2011 and Covid, I could listen to a story about making schools in Kenya. I could listen to a story about turning a kominkan (an old traditional house) into a hotel. I am sure there are a lot of struggles involved with these initiatives, but their positive and fighting spirit make listeners positive too. I appreciate Blue Compass members organizing the event every time, and I am always impressed by their positiveness too!