Write ups from the Sports Weekend in Tohoku Trip
Sports Weekend in 東北のレポート!
– From Paula san
– ポーラさんより
Tohoku Sports Event
After travelling to Shin Hanamaki and then transferring by bus to Kamaishi, the first part of our weekend started at the Mirai Kan – a small memorial and museum to the Tohoku 2011 earthquake and tsunami. For those of us who had never been before it was a stark and emotional reminder of the damage and destruction that area had suffered. After stocking up on omiyage and “refreshments” we then moved to Houraikan, for a kick off BBQ with locals and a great opportunity to meet other people participating in the trip.
Day 2 started bright and early with an amazing breakfast followed by Touch Rugby from 9am. For those of us who are complete novices we had a detailed introduction and training session, led by Richie, with quite a number of tries scored in the process. By this stage, we were starting to generate interest from families staying at the nearby campsite resulting in some of the kids coming over to join in. Ten-year old Iori-kun from Morioka was a particular hero spending the whole day with us and getting his first experience of both rugby and cricket. Moving on to a mixed teams football match (and I MEAN mixed – all ages, genders, nationalities and abilities!) it was time for a bento lunch chased down liberally with meat pies kindly provided by Four Twenty Pies – and they were gorgeous to say the least!
The afternoon’s activities were kicked off by a session of cricket. Training and practice were diligently provided by the Tohoku Cricket Club who taught us how to bowl (overarm), bat and field. All good learning again but I think many of us felt it in our muscles the following morning.
Bringing the sports events to a close for the day we all moved on to the centre of the town to take part in a food distribution of drinks, cookies and rugby RWC souvenirs going from door to door. Not all households wanted to accept the gifts but certainly there were quite a few who did and not just for the items in the bags but more for the human contact and the chance to talk to somebody and share their thoughts and feelings.
Despite a long day we all still managed to find some energy to support Japan in the RWC match vs Argentina. Sadly, the result did not go in Japan’s favour despite some very vocal support fueled by beer, chuhais and snacks kindly provided by Houraikan but was still a lot of fun.
Our last day was the chance to do further sports and for those who wanted to avoid the rain get involved in indoor activities such as calligraphy with the super talented Stella as well as painting, drawing and clay model making supervised by Chris. The wrap up to our day was a short presentation by the kamisan of Horaikan – sharing her experience during the tsunami as well as her hopes for the future of the area. Quite honestly, her hospitality and the care and support of the Houraikan staff was second to none. The facilities in themselves were outstanding – food, guest rooms, the public baths – in a beautiful peaceful location only metres from the coast line. All in all, an exhausting but fun and meaningful weekend spent in the company of a mix of great people. I look forward to taking part again next time!
新花巻に移動し、バスで釜石に移動した後、私たちの週末の最初の部分は、2011年の東北地方太平洋沖地震と津波の小さな記念碑および博物館である未来館から始まりました。 これまで訪れたことのない私たちにとって、それはその地域が受けた被害と破壊をはっきりと感情的に思い出させるものでした。 おみやげと「軽食」を買い込んだ後、私たちは宝来館に移動し、地元の人々とのキックオフバーベキューと、旅行に参加している他の人々と会う素晴らしい機会を楽しみました。
2日目は素晴らしい朝食で明るく早く始まり、続いて午前9時からタッチラグビーが行われました。 まったくの初心者である私たちのために、リッチー主導で詳細な紹介とトレーニングセッションが行われ、その過程でかなりの数のトライが決まりました。 この段階までに、近くのキャンプ場に滞在している家族連れからも興味を持ち始め、一部の子供たちが参加するようになりました。盛岡から来た10歳のイオリ君は特にヒーローで、一日中私たちと一緒に過ごし、たくさんのことを得ることができました。 ラグビーもクリケットも初体験。混合チームのフットボールの試合に移ります(つまり、すべての年齢、性別、国籍、能力の混合チームです!)フォー・トゥエンティ・パイズが提供してくれたミートパイをたっぷりと食べた後お弁当の時間になりました。あちゃー!
その日のスポーツイベントは終了し、私たちは全員町の中心部に移動し、お宅訪問で飲み物、クッキー、ラグビー RWCのお土産を配る配給に参加しました。すべての世帯が贈り物を受け取りたがったわけではありませんが、バッグの中の品物だけでなく、人との触れ合いや誰かと話し、自分の考えや感情を共有する機会を求めて受け取った世帯も確かにかなりありました。長い一日にもかかわらず、私たちは皆、RWCのアルゼンチン戦で日本を応援するためになんとかエネルギーを見つけることができました。残念ながら、ビール、チューハイ、宝来館のご厚意による軽食による大声援にもかかわらず、結果は日本に勝利にはならなかったが、それでもとても楽しかった!
私たちの最終日は、さらにスポーツをするチャンスでした。雨を避けたい人は、超才能のあるステラと一緒に書道をしたり、クリスが監修した絵画、デッサン、粘土モデル作りなどの屋内アクティビティに参加することができました。この日の締めくくりは、宝来館の女将さんによる短いプレゼンテーションで、津波の際の体験と地域の将来への希望を共有しました。 正直に言って、彼女のおもてなしと宝来館スタッフの配慮とサポートは誰にも負けませんでした。海岸線からわずか数メートルの美しく静かな場所にあり、食事、客室、大浴場などの施設自体が素晴らしかったです。全体として、素晴らしい人々の集まりで過ごした、疲れましたが楽しくて有意義な週末でした。次回も参加できるのを楽しみにしています!
– From Bryan san
– ブライアンさんより
A Memorable Weekend.
The trip was memorable in so many ways. It was the first, and hopefully, of many more occasions to come, I could share the Kamaishi Blue Compass experience with my grown-up children, George and Sean.
I was delighted with their proactive and positive contribution to the sports weekend. This not only left them exhausted but also instilled in them a strong sense of community spirit and values, and it provided them the opportunity to make new friends with the Blue Compass community.
If I only had the legs of a twenty-year-old, this is how I felt at the end of the first day. My brain said go go go; however, my legs were reluctant to keep up. The trip provided me the opportunity to meet with old and new friends of the Blue Compass community and to “give back” by taking an active involvement in the sports activities; even if that did mean I was running around!
I came away from the trip, thinking, I need to do more for the community, & I hope Toby can continue to provide the reasons for me to join future Kamaishi Blue Compass events.
A special thank you to you, Tomomi, who works tirelessly to ensure a successful experience for all to enjoy and participate, and to Toby who continues to provide his presence and kindness towards the community of Kamaishi, Thank you.
この旅行は色々な意味で思い出に残るものになりました。 これは私が、成人した子供たち、ジョージとショーンと釜石ブルーコンパスイベントでの経験を共有できる最初の機会であり、できれば今後も多くの機会を共有できることを願っています。
スポーツウィークへの彼らの積極的かつ積極的な貢献を嬉しく思いました。 これは彼らを疲弊させるだけでなく、彼らに強いコミュニティ精神と価値観を植え付け、ブルーコンパスコミュニティで新しい友達を作る機会を与えました。
もし私に20歳の脚だったなら、初日が終わったときはこんな感じだったでしょう。 私の脳はゴーゴーゴーと言ってましたが、私の足はなかなかついていけませんでした。 この旅行は、私にブルーコンパスコミュニティで出会った古い友人や新しい友人と会い、スポーツ活動に積極的に参加することで「恩返し」をする機会を与えてくれました。たとえそれが私が走り回ることを意味するとしても!
– From George san, Sean san
– ジョージさん、ショーンさんより
Our experience in Kamaishi, organized by Blue Compass, was a transformative and fulfilling journey that spanned three days of community service. During this time, we had the incredible opportunity to give back to the local community by teaching sports to children. We were actively involved in the football session, where we shared our passion for the game and imparted valuable skills and knowledge to the eager young participants. It was heartwarming to witness the children’s enthusiasm and dedication as they embraced the sport, showcasing the power of sports in fostering teamwork, discipline, and self-confidence.
ブルーコンパスが企画した釜石での私たちの経験は、3日間にわたる社会奉仕活動に及ぶ変革的で充実した旅でした。 この間、私たちは子供たちにスポーツを教えることで地域社会に貢献する素晴らしい機会に恵まれました。私たちはフットボールセッションに積極的に参加し、ゲームに対する情熱を共有し、熱心な若い参加者に貴重なスキルと知識を伝えました。 子どもたちがスポーツに取り組む熱意と献身的な姿を目撃し、チームワーク、規律、自信を育むスポーツの力を証明するのは、心温まるものでした。
This trip to Kamaishi reinforced my belief in the importance of continuous efforts in community engagement. The impact of these three days extended beyond just sports – it created a sense of unity and shared purpose among the volunteers and the local residents. The experience reminded me that giving back is not a one-time endeavor, but rather a lifelong commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others. It was humbling to be a part of such a dedicated and compassionate team, and I left Kamaishi with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that I had contributed to the community in a meaningful way. As I reflect on my time in Kamaishi, I am reminded of the profound impact that community service can have on both individuals and the community as a whole. The bonds formed, the skills shared, and the knowledge imparted during those three days will continue to resonate within the hearts and minds of the children and volunteers alike. This experience has strengthened my resolve to engage in ongoing community work, and I am inspired to seek out more opportunities to make a positive difference in the world, one small act of kindness at a time.
今回の釜石への旅行は、地域社会との関わりにおける継続的な努力の重要性に対する私の信念を強化しました。この3 日間の影響はスポーツだけに留まらず、ボランティアと地元住民の間に一体感と共通の目的が生まれました。この経験は、恩返しは一度きりの努力ではなく、他人の生活にプラスの変化をもたらすという生涯にわたる取り組みであることを思い出させてくれました。このような献身的で思いやりのあるチームの一員になれることは謙虚なことであり、有意義な方法で地域社会に貢献できたという達成感を感じながら釜石を去りました。釜石での時間を振り返ると、地域奉仕が個人と地域社会全体の両方に大きな影響を与える可能性があることを思い出します。この3日間で形成された絆、共有されたスキル、そして伝えられた知識は、子供たちとボランティアの心の中に等しく響き続けるでしょう。この経験により、継続的なコミュニティ活動に参加するという私の決意が強化され、一度に小さな親切な行為を一つずつ、世界に前向きな変化をもたらす機会をもっと探し求めたいと思うようになりました。
Throughout my 3 days stay in Kamaishi, I learned the importance of a cooperative mindset and giving positivity to others. One of my friends I met in Kamaishi, told me that his friend had taken his life after a long battle of stress brought on by the earthquake. He told me to always treat people with respect and take care of your family and friends. Since then, I told myself to be selfless and help my loved ones. Thank you Blue Compass for making this trip happen!
釜石での3日間の滞在を通して、私は協調性の大切さや他人に前向きな気持ちを与えることの大切さを学びました。釜石で会った友人の一人は、友人が地震によるストレスとの長い闘いの末に命を絶ったと話してくれました。彼は私に、常に人々に敬意を持って接し、家族や友人を大切にするように言いました。それ以来、私は無私になり、愛する人たちを助けるように自分に言い聞かせました。 この旅行を実現してくれて、BlueCompassに感謝します。
– From Blair san
– ブレアさんより
Thank you for the invitation to participate in the Blue Compass Sport’s Festival at Unosumai. It was a lot of fun and from a personal note it was a pleasure to reacquaint myself with the soccer ball, rugby ball and cricket bat. The last one being a personal favourite. It was also great to be introduced to the sport of You-fo.
What the best thing throughout the whole weekend was seeing the children who came to the ground to play their favourite sport, whether it be soccer or rugby actually pick up a cricket bat or a You.Fo stick and enjoy it with big smiles on their faces. One young man was encouraged to play cricket, he said that he wanted to play soccer then changed his mind and then played cricket for over an hour and he seemed to love every moment of it.
Thank you to Toby and Tomomi for all of your hard work in running this event.
– From Sunil san
– サニールさんより
This weekend was an incredible chance to meet and interact with people that were directly affected by the terrible earthquake in 2011. The Blue Compass team did a phenomenal job of bringing a diverse group of people together in Kamaishi to bond over shared love for sports and the arts. It’s not often one gets to spend time with people from different parts of Japan, and this event was an intimate and incredible opportunity to do just that.
Thanks again to Blue Compass for the work you do supporting regional revitalization efforts across Japan.
– From Kris + Monica san
– クリスさんより
Our journey to Kamaishi started a week before going. I was very excited to hear we were going to give art classes to kids and to whoever wanted to have an artistic experience.
We designed art stations with air-dry clay, acrylic, and other materials that everyone would enjoy.
When we arrived at Tokyo Station and met Toby, I was surprised to hear that 60 people were participating, each with a task or role to do!
We took the famous bullet train, and I could finally see what all the hype was about. That thing is FAST and quite comfortable. It was wonderful to see the view of the city slowly transitioning to the countryside. I felt like I was in one of the Ghibli movies.
As soon as we arrived at Houraikan Hotel we were all welcomed by Okami San waving enthusiastically welcoming flags with beautiful patterns.
I got outside the bus and turned around to see the view from the traditional Japanese-style hotel and it was paradise on earth. The sea was surrounded by mountains filled with pinecone trees. It was so beautiful and peaceful. The best part was seeing the same view from the hotel’s hot spring (another first time)
Later that day, we all had a great outdoor barbecue beside a great fire pit and each person helped with a bit of something with dinner.
The next day was full of activities, art classes (mainly kids) sports games, and giving out 150 cards with handmade drawings and positive messages.
At night we all watched with excitement the Rugby World Cup on a projected screen.
The best part for me was on the final day, many more adults joined the art and calligraphy class. Everyone connected with their inner artist, especially Sunil.
He created a masterpiece with colors and after that, he had a brilliant creative idea. He became a walking canvas and let everybody paint his hoodie. In the end, we had sculptures and paintings from a lot of people and Sunni a unique sweater of memorabilia and art.
We wrapped up the day at lunch and heard Okami San give a moving and impressive presentation about all the reconstruction Kamaishi has undergone with the help of their inhabitants, Blue Compass led by her and her dream. It is safe to say she will have new additions to her cause after that weekend.
The expedition had come to an end, Okami San was waving goodbye with her flag as we sat on the bus.
It was a wonderful experience, and I could tell by many smiles that everyone enjoyed it too.
釜石への旅は出発の1週間前に始まりました。 子供たちや芸術的な経験をしたい人に美術のクラスを開くと聞いて、とても興奮しました。
私たちは、誰もが楽しめる自然乾燥粘土、アクリル、その他の素材を使ってアート ステーションをデザインしました。
バスを降りて旅館からの景色を振り返ると、そこは地上の楽園でした。 海は松ぼっくりの木が生い茂る山々に囲まれていました。とても美しくて平和でした。一番良かったのは、ホテルの温泉からも同じ景色を見られたことです(これも初めてでした)その日遅く、私たちはみんなで大きな焚き火台の横で素晴らしい屋外バーベキューをし、夕食の際に各人が少しずつ手伝ってくれました。
– From Richie san
– リッチーさんより
Cricket in Kamaishi
At the invitation of Blue Compass, and with generous supplies from the Japan Cricket Association, cricketers from the Tokyo Wombats and Sendai Cricket Clubs travelled up to Kamaishi to share the joys of cricket with kids and even a few curious parents.
Even a few seasoned veterans couldn’t resist picking up a bat or ball and going through a few of the basics. A fun day out for all and a great opportunity for the Tokyo based Wombats to explore the sights and delights and resilient people of Kamaishi.
経験豊富なベテランでも、バットやボールを手に取り、いくつかの基本を練習せずにはいられませんでした。 誰にとっても楽しい一日であり、東京を拠点とするウォンバットにとっては釜石の名所や楽しみ、そして逞しい人々を探索する絶好の機会です。
– From Hana chan
– 葉奈ちゃんより
Go to Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture
In October, I went to Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture to help with the reconstruction. We handed out drinks to people living in reconstruction housing so that they could enjoy the rugby broadcast that night. At that time, an old man told me a story about a local rugby player and about the time of the tsunami. I learned a lot because I was hearing things for the first time, and I was happy that they talked about so many things even though we had just met. I also became friends with the proprietress of the inn I stayed at and the local children. I’m looking forward to going again next March.
– From Jordan san
– ジョーダンさんより
The 2023 sports day in Kamaishi was my second visit and it was a wonderful event. While distributing food packs prior to the Rugby World Cup match and playing baseball, rugby and soccer with Kamaishi kids people in Kamaishi are easy to talk to and eager to get to know visitors. Returning home after each visit I ask myself, “did I make a big enough impact?” and while I don’t know the answer to that question I know for sure that Kamaishi has made an impact on me. I look forward to my next visit.