Blue Compass Zoom Social Event with “Hitoto Manabu ba”

Blue Compass Zoom交流会 人と学ぶ場ふらっとさん












BlueCompass organized and hosted an English conversation exchange party with “Hitoto Manabu ba” using Zoom.
The party started with self-introductions by each participant. Of course, self-introductions were in English!
The volunteer instructors spoke slowly, which made it easy for the participants to listen, practice pronunciation by repeating, and answer questions.
The content was very authentic, with lectures on “What, Why, When, Where, and How,” how to ask and answer questions, etc. Using Zoom’s whiteboard function, the instructor converted his speech into text, making it easy for the participants to learn. The class was a fun opportunity to learn English conversation with a lot of laughter! We are very happy to hear that everyone at the “Hitoto Manabu ba” was very pleased with the event! We were very pleased to hear that they had so much fun and were so inspired by the event!
We have received requests for the next one and BlueCompass would love to make it happen.
If you are interested, please contact us. Let’s make this a social event together!


Blue Compassは、人と学ぶ場ふらっとさん と Zoomを活用した英会話交流会を企画、開催いたしました。

次回のリクエストもいただき、Blue Compassとしても是非実現させたいと思っております。

Contact us/お問い合わせ先: