Blue Compass members visited Kamaishi on April 9-10, 2022.

We heard about the earthquake from the proprietress at Takaraikan Hotel, which has been a favorite spotof ours every time we visit Kamaishi.

In addition to the situation then and the current reconstruction, we also heard about the next goal of the proprietress, who wants to present the charm of Kamaishi in a new light, not just a town that was devastated by the earthquake 11 years after the disaster. Kamaishi is blessed with nature, and she is beginning to focus on creating a sustainable town. The people of Kamaishi, who have experienced the earthquake, have a passion for the city, which is reflected in the charm of the city through their local activities.

On the second day, we went to watch a game of the Kamaishi Seawaves, a team in the Japan Rugby League One.


Although the Kamaishi Seawaves lost the game, the venue was filled with smiles and cheers as the team played. The Kamaishi Seawaves are loved by the local people and have a great connection between the team and the local community.

2022年 4月9日~10日でBlue Compassメンバーで釜石に訪問をしてきました。毎回お世話になっている宝来館にて女将さんから震災についてお話を伺いました。当時の状況や現在の復興のお話に加え、震災から11年目を迎えた今、震災の街としてではなく新たな釜石の魅力を発信していきたいという女将さんの次なる目標についてのお話も聞く事ができました。釜石は自然に恵まれており、サステナブルな街づくりに力を入れ始めているそうです。震災を経験された釜石の皆さんがもつひと際熱い思いが地域の活動を通じて、街の魅力に通じているように感じられました。

2日目はJAPAN RUGBY LEAGUE ONE に所属する釜石シーウェイブス の試合観戦に行きました。
