On Sunday, March 7, 2021, from 10:00 to 11:30, Bluecompass held a webinar event!
Ms. Iwasaki the proprietress of Horaikan, an inn in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture shared the story of the disaster and the disaster-stricken areas then and now, 10 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

This event was attended from all over the world, and it was an opportunity to think about disasters again.It was also a great opportunity to let people know about our activities in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture!


===== Questions from the participants=====

1)  Q.What did the children do while the school was closed and they could not attend?

  1. They stayed home with their mothers and fathers. It was difficult for all involved. The children were eventually allowed to go to a nearby school.


2) Q.Can my Kitchen Car help at future Kamaishi Events?

A. Yes, You are more than welcome. Please help us out in November 2021 when Namibia plays Canada.


3)Q. What is the source of your “energy and smile” after having been through so much?

  1. I could only look forward. I couldn’t look back at the past, nor could I look at myself in the present.

Now that 10 years have passed, I can feel that “I had a lot to reflect on,” which in itself makes me feel that my daily life has returned.


4) Q. You spoke with the Emperor of Japan online on 3/6. Which made you more nervous, today’s webinar or the speaking with the Emperor?

  1. I was equally nervous about both. This is my first webinar event, so I was very nervous.


5) Q. Have you finished the sand transportation project to revive the beach at Nehama Beach?

  1. Yes, the beach now artificial sand, and although it is smaller than the original beach, it has been restored to a level where children can play.


6) Q. I would like to visit Kamaishi again from Tokyo, when is the best time I was thinking about Umi no Hi (sea day)?

A.  Yes that is great. On Umi-no-hi (sea day), there are many activities going on at Nehama Beach, so you can have lots of fun.


Stay tuned for the next event!






= = = 参加者様からのご質問 = = =

1) Q. 学校がこわれて、通えない間、生徒の皆さんはどうしてたのですか?

A. 多くの人が大変な中、お父さんもお母さんも忙しく、子供たちはずっと我慢をしてました。



2) Q. 釜石のイベントなどで、キッチンカーでお手伝いできることありますか?

A. 素敵なキッチンカーで賑やか空間を作っていただけるのは嬉しい。

海の日や、2021年11月開催予定の ラグビー カナダvsナミビア戦でお待ちしてます!


3) Q. とても大変な経験をしてきたのに「とても素敵な笑顔だな」と感じてまして、その源は何ですか?

A. 前を見る事しかできなかったんです。過去を振り返ることも、現在の自分を見ることもできませんでした。



4) Q. 3/6には天皇陛下とオンラインでお話されたそうですが、今日のウェビナーとどちらが緊張しましたか?

A. どちらも同じくらい緊張しています。ウェビナーイベントは初めてなので、とても緊張しました。


5) Q. 根浜海岸の砂浜をよみがえらせるための、砂を運ぶプロジェクトは終わったのですか?

A. 岩手県が人工的な砂を入れてくれて、元々の砂浜よりは小さくなってはいますが、



6) Q. 東京からまた釜石へ遊びに行きたいのですが、いつがおすすめですか?海の日はどうですか?

A. 海の日には、根浜海岸で色々なアクティビティが行われますので、たくさん遊べると思います。


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