Christmas Party at Atelier Mirai by Shino (SUMU VILLA owner)
アトリエみらいでのクリスマス会 by 史乃(SUMU VILLA オーナー)






On Dec 23(Fri) 2022, we had Christmas Party at Atelier Mirai, Nago-city in Okinawa. Atelier Mirai is facility to support disabled people to work through agriculture, processing coffee. The idea for the event started at Blue Compass as a suggestion to prepare Christmas lunch and gifts for their workers. Representative Azuma-san really appreciated our suggestion and they had very successful event.


On the morning of 23rd the participants came to the venue early and started practicing singing, dancing for the party. There were approx. 30 workers and staffs. They all looked forward this event and prepared very well for programs. Started with a team ladies’ dancing, followed by group of Santa dancing, then live Okinawan music, singing along with traditional dancing. After lunch continued with a bingo-game and quiz session. They also served “Yambaru coffee”, the coffee beans they processed at Atelier. “Yambaru” is tropical rainforest in the north area of Okinawa. We all enjoyed nice aroma of coffee.


According to Azuma san, it’s the best Christmas party ever they had, and all participants enjoyed so much thanks to the support by Blue Compass.
Thank you very much for your support to make lots of people smile and the event successful.
