December 21-23 Christmas Kamaishi trip report 12月21~23日 クリスマス釜石旅のご報告 From December 21st to 23rd, we held a BC trip to Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture! Year-end party time with local [...]
December 21-23 Christmas Kamaishi trip report 12月21~23日 クリスマス釜石旅のご報告 From December 21st to 23rd, we held a BC trip to Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture! Year-end party time with local [...]
Write ups from the Sports Weekend in Tohoku Trip Sports Weekend in 東北のレポート! – From Paula san – ポーラさんより Tohoku Sports Event After travelling to Shin Hanamaki and then [...]
RWC2023 viewing event on September 10th, event report 9月10日のRWC2023観戦イベント、開催報告 September 10th, RWC2023 Japan vs Chile was held! Blue Compass rented out Il Cardinale Akasaka and held a viewing event. [...]
Message from GIGI. 一般社団法人gigiさんからのメッセージ Thank you very much for the donation from BLUE COMPASS. この度は当法人にご寄付を賜り誠にありがとうございます。 Our group was established in August 2023 together with the singer Yo Hitoto, and [...]
Interview project:Nelaka-san インタビュー企画:ネーラカさん We interviewed Nelaka-san from Sri Lanka, a dear colleague of BlueCompass! ブルーコンパスの大切な仲間、スリランカ出身のネーラカさんへインタビュー致しました! 1. Please give short introduction about yourself and what brought you to Japan. 自己紹介と来日のきっかけを教えてください。 [...]
Donation to the NPO SET (Change Maker's College) NPO法人SET(Change Maker's College)へ寄付しました! BlueCompass visited the NPO SET (Change Maker's College) during our Tohoku trip in March 2023. Change Maker's [...]
Please send relief supplies to the homeless! ホームレスの方への支援物資を送ってください! Everyone, we are seeking summer clothes and food for homeless men in the Tokyo area! If you can help, please contact [...]
Interview with Judith ジュディスさんへインタビューしました! Judith - can you please tell us a little about yourself ? Where you grow up etc.. ジュディス - あなたのことを少し教えてください。育った場所など。 I am a [...]
Mon. Oct. 9 is Sports Day! A sports event will be held in Kamaishi City, Iwate, during the three-day weekend from Oct. 7 to 9. 10月9日(月)はスポーツの日です! 10月7日(土)~9日(月)の三連休、岩手県釜石市でスポーツイベントを開催します。 We [...]
Yoshikazu Nakahama and the BC team visited Kamaiishi Kodomo Kindy! 中浜慶和さんと、かまいしこども園さん訪問しました! TohokuVisit visited "Kamaiishi Children's School" in Kamaishi City. Mr. Yoshikazu Nakahama from Kobe joined us on this [...]