We would like to introduce you to two people that are taking on the challenge of building a world-class Rugby club (OWC) in Okinawa by training professional rugby players. They are Mr. Teruo Aizawa and Mr. Toru Yamada.
社会貢献を発端として、沖縄でプロのラグビー選手を育成し、世界クラスのクラブをつくろうとチャレンジしている方々を紹介します。 相澤 輝雄さん、山田 徹さん のお二人です。


The journey started when the (now) OWC team realized that there was a shortfall in care being provided to aging U.S. military veterans in Okinawa Prefecture. The two conducted a field survey and launched the Retired Veterans and Spouse Support Project (RVSS) for veterans and their Japanese spouses. In order to create an environment where rugby players who aspire to become professionals can play rugby while working, the idea of combined efforts between the RVSS + other jobs for those new players was born. This combination of working + rugby life is the core of the new Okinawa World Challenge Rugby Football Club (OWC), and Blue Compass is happy to be supporting this activity.
このお二人は、沖縄県で退役米軍人(=ベテランズ)の高齢化問題が認識され始めてすぐ現地で実態調査を行い、 ベテランズと日本人配偶者を対象にした生活支援サービス(RVSS:Retired Veterans and Spouse Support Project)を立ち上げました。
プロを目指すラグビー選手が、RVSSやその他の仕事で働きながらラグビーができる環境を構築するため、Okinawa World Challenge Rugby Football Club(OWC)設立を目指しており、ブルーコンパスはこの活動をサポートしています。


1) Please tell us a little about your backgrounds.
【Teruo Aizawa/相澤 輝雄さん】
In elementary and junior high school, I was crazy about baseball, and on New Year’s Day while studying for the entrance exam to play baseball at Kugayama High School, I also happened to watch the finals matches for the high school’s Hanazono Tournament. I was so impressed that I started playing rugby once I got into Kugayama. We won the National Athletic Meet and the Hanazono Tournament in my senior year of high school. I then continued playing rugby at Teikyo University and NEC, retiring at the age of 31. After transitioning out from being a player, I worked for 4 years in management at NEC Rugby, 10 years as coach of the Kugayama Rugby Club, then another 7 years at NEC Rugby in various roles (incl. GM). I also spent 3 years on the Rugby World Cup Organizing Committee which was a great experience. I presently work at one of the NEC group companies and also are an advisor to Clean Fighters Yamanashi Rugby since May 2021.
小中学校は野球に夢中で、久我山高校で野球をやるための受験勉強中のお正月に、 高校の花園大会の準決勝(久我山3-3大工大)と決勝(久我山16-14目黒)も見て感動し、久我山に合格してからラグビーを始めた。 高校3年時に国体と花園で優勝し、その後帝京大学、NECとラグビーを継続し、31歳で現役引退。NECラグビーのマネジメント業務4年、久我山ラグビー部のコーチ10年、NECラグビーGM4年、総監督2年、アドバイザー1年、その後ラグビーW杯組織委員会3年。 現在はNECファシリティーズの営業職2年目。2021年5月よりクリーンファイターズ山梨のアドバイザー。


Toru Yamada/山田 徹さん】
Classmate of Teruo Aizawa on the Kokugakuin Kugayama High School rugby team, he was a regular tighthead-prop from his first year. Subsequently also playing at Meiji University. Second to rubgy, Mr Yamada also joined the America’s Cup Japan team, where he remained as a professional sailor until the age of 31.



2) Please give us a brief explanation of the current status of the Okinawa World Challenge Rugby Football Club (OWC).
現時点での、Okinawa World Challenge Rugby Football Club(OWC)について簡単に説明をお願いします。
Although there is always room for improvement, the men’s 15-man rugby team in Japan has a well-developed strengthening system. As for the men’s 7-man team, as can be seen from the disastrous defeat at the recent Olympics, the coaching and strengthening systems are weak, with little room for any bottom-up influence on the top management at present.
As for the women’s team, although the reinforcement system for women’s rugby has been getting better in recent years, the 15-member team requires a more financial support and employment opportunities (for players) to truly flourish. In the current environment, if we want to create a team that aims to be the best (nationally), even with limited resources, we believe we should start small with the women’s 7-man team. Also, at present, there are many companies that support men’s rugby, but only a few that support women’s rugby. Therefore, we feel that we need to build an environment where women can continue to play rugby all across Japan.
So, in Okinawa, where some of our members live, we decided, “We want to create a club that challenges the world, that can break boundaries, that creates a self-sustaining eco-system, and that has a system in place to help players with second careers outside rugby when they retire.”
日本ラグビーの男子15人制の体制は、諸問題はあるものの強化体制は整っている。 男子7人制については、今回のオリンピックでの惨敗をみてもわかる通り、指導体制・ 強化体制は脆弱であり、同時に末端の活動がトップに影響を与えることが難しい環境である。
一方、近年の女子ラグビーの強化体制は結構よくなっているものの、その末端で活動するにしても15人制は人数が必要なので莫大な費用や雇用が必要となる。 いまの日本ラグビーで、最小限の費用や雇用等々で日本一を狙うチームをどこかの地域でつくっていき、日本のトップに影響力のあるチームを作るには、まずは小さく始められる女子の7人制ではないかと考えてます。また、現時点では男子ラグビーを支える企業は多くあれども、女子ラグビーを支えて企業はわずかしかない。よって、女性がラグビーを継続できる環境を各地で構築していく必要があると感じています。


3) What ideas do you have for how BlueCompass can help?
Seek funding, manpower, and advisory support.


4) Please give us a few words about the appeal of rugby.
A wonderful sport where you can make more and more friends who share your pain, suffering, fun and joy.